Safety / Sustainability 4 Good
Giving back to the Safety and Sustainability community.
What is S4G?
What is Safety/Sustaibility4Good?
S4G is an initiative developed by some of the most prominent leaders within Safety and Sustainability in the UK to support the professional and personal development of the professionals and raise the positive profile of Safety and Sustainability.
We are proud to work within this industry and believe we have a responsibility to ensure it becomes a career of choice for current and future generations.
Our goal is delivered in three main ways:
Our unique Future Leaders development programme – supports junior to senior management, developing their behavioural and non-technical skills and insights, allowing them to maximise their contribution and exceed their potential.
Hosting exceptional events comprised of leading minds and voices inside and outside of the industry, to cultivate innovative ideas, share best practices and encourage networking to improve safety and sustainability performance across a wide variety of industry sectors.
Supporting charities and initiatives within the Health, Safety, Environment and Sustainability spaces.
In the past, the media and the public have negatively portrayed the safety and sustainability profession. This is not a true reflection of the people who work every day with a passion to protect us and our quality of life. Our mission is to change this misunderstanding and we would love you to join us on this journey.
Please get in touch today to find out more.