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Iris Edmonds

Iris Edmonds

Marketing Apprentice

20 June 2024

7 tips for onboarding a new Health and Safety employee

Understandably, it can be hard to navigate the hiring market, let alone onboarding the ideal candidate once they have secured the role.

Understandably, it can be hard to navigate the hiring market, let alone onboarding the ideal candidate once they have secured the role. Whether you are struggling with a streamlined onboarding process or new to company procedures, our specialist consultants have created 7 tips to help you during the onboarding of a Health and Safety professional.

  1. Orientation and Training:

Arguably the most important factor when starting a new recruit, training is the pillar of any professional—especially Health and Safety. It is vital to ensure that all of your employees are up to date with workplace regulations, and when a new starter comes into the business, they are aware of these processes and have sufficient time with their managers to confidently enforce Health and Safety policies. Despite training and development adding value to your team, Managers only spend 9% of their time developing team members.

  1. Access to Resources and Tools:

“You are only as good as the tools you use.”

Your Health and Safety team can only be as good as the resources you give them; ensure to equip your Health and Safety team with the right materials they need to efficiently and effectively create a safe work environment.  £35.2 million of working days were lost in 2023 due to work-related illness and workplace injury, so giving your Health and Safety team the correct resources might save your business unnecessary costs.

  1. Detailed Job Descriptions and Responsibilities:

To guarantee that you are attracting the correct professionals for your role, have a clear plan of expectations and responsibilities outlined in their job description. When they start, they have an explicit understanding of their day-to-day expectations during their onboarding process and ensure a smooth transition into their new role. Having an honest job description allows job seekers to feel like they know what they are expected to do already without any surprises; more than six in 10 employees have work-related regrets and being falsely led into a role could be a leading factor.

  1. Introduction to Company Culture and Values:

Do you remember joining your current company? Do you remember feeling like you fit in with the culture? Do you remember aligning with their values and aims? All of those feelings can be huge factors for a job seeker especially being valued in the workplace. 

Health and Safety is often overlooked and treated as a tick-box exercise, so joining a company where they feel their work is valued and appreciated is key. During their first week, our specialists recommend having designated lunches with the team to create those bonds with each other and build strong and healthy relationships. Also, to include them in decision-making conversations early on as it will allow them to build their confidence to speak about Health and Safety concerns and ideas.

  1. Compliance and Regulatory Requirements:

That first day when you are overwhelmed and might not know what to expect can be scary but you can help that. When moving businesses, it can be hard to adjust from a company where they might not have had to deal with the same Health and Safety regulations as your company, and this can make it harder for professionals to feel like they are supported in their new role. Having in-depth compliance training during their onboarding process will allow your new hire to understand what Health and Safety regulations apply to your company and their compliance requirements and role in maintaining them.

  1. Performance Metrics and Evaluation:

Allowing your professionals to see their short-term and long-term career goals and how to make a difference within the Health and Safety department will help them identify their weaker points and potential learning points. This can only happen if you have a conversation during their onboarding process about how their progress will be monitored, as many employees feel that they do not know how their progress is tracked in the workplace.

  1. Feedback Mechanisms:

Make it clear to your new hire that they can give all feedback in a non-judgemental manner about their onboarding process and initial reactions to the organisation. This will allow you as a business to develop and improve your onboarding process for future Health and Safety hires, meaning your Health and Safety team is well-equipped to contribute to the company safety culture and objectives from day one.

An average of 16.8% of employees leave their job per year in the UK! This is why a seamless process is pivotal for your business and will gain dedicated employees to help you and your company.

Hire your next Health and Safety Employee

We know that it can be intimidating to expand your team or make your first Health and Safety hire, but we are here to help along the way — from your initial need for a professional to them being settled in your business. 

Get in touch with one of our specialist consultants to discuss your next Health and Safety hire.


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